Tree & Shrub Program

2025 Tree Season Starting soon! Contact us now to schedule a meeting or place an order. Final orders due by January 25th.
The SWCD offers planning, design, and tree planting services, as well as tree sales for your own project implementation.
We also sell landscaping fabric and offer fabric installation as a service.
Contact the SWCD Technicians at (320) 598-7321 ext 3 for help with site specific tree selection and to place an order.
Print form and return to our office with payment for ordering:
Having trouble deciding on what trees & shrubs to plant? Here's a few websites for information on each species on our order form. Native Minnesota Tree & Shrub Species will be starred**.
- Arrowood (Viburnum)
- Buffaloberry, Silver**
- Cherry, Pin**
- Chokeberry, Black**
- Chokecherry, Common**
- Cranberry, Highbush**
- Dogwood, Grey
- Dogwood, Redosier**
- Elderberry**
- Hazelnut, American
- Lilac, Common Purple
- Lilac, Villosa (Late Bloom)
- Lilac, White 18"-24"
- Nannyberry**
- Plum, American**
- Serviceberry, (Juneberry)**
- Sumac, Smooth**
- Willow, Hybrid
Deciduous Trees:

- Ash, Green**
- Aspen, Quaking**
- Birch, Paper
- Butternut
- Cherry, Black**
- Cottonwood (seedless available)**
- Crabapple, Red Splendor
- Hackberry**
- Hawthorn, Downy **
- Linden, Little leaf
- Linden, American**
- Maple, Autumn Blaze
- Maple, Silver**
- Maple, Sugar
- Oak, Bur**
- Oak, Red **
- Oak, White**

Tree Establishment Products
The following items can be purchased online. Local Pickup only in Madison, MN. 6.875% MN sales tax included in the price. Only one item can be purchased at a time online. Credit card fee applies.
Orders can also be made HERE and paid by check/cash in our office.