Tree & Shrub Resources
Having trouble deciding on what trees & shrubs to plant? Here's a few websites for information on each species on our order form. Native Minnesota Tree & Shrub Species will be starred**.
![A field with rows of young plants under plastic mulch, stretching into the distance, with a tractor working in the background.](
- Arrowood (Viburnum)
- Buffaloberry, Silver**
- Cherry, Pin**
- Chokeberry, Black**
- Chokecherry, Common**
- Cranberry, Highbush**
- Dogwood, Grey
- Dogwood, Redosier**
- Elderberry**
- Hazelnut, American
- Lilac, Common Purple
- Lilac, Villosa (Late Bloom)
- Lilac, White 18"-24"
- Nannyberry**
- Plum, American**
- Serviceberry, (Juneberry)**
- Sumac, Smooth**
- Willow, Hybrid
Deciduous Trees:
- Ash, Green**
- Aspen, Quaking**
- Birch, Paper
- Butternut
- Cherry, Black**
- Cottonwood (seedless available)**
- Crabapple, Red Splendor
- Hackberry**
- Hawthorn, Downy **
- Linden, Little leaf
- Linden, American**
- Maple, Autumn Blaze
- Maple, Silver**
- Maple, Sugar
- Oak, Bur**
- Oak, Red **
- Oak, White**