Medallion Hunt 2024
CLUE #1: In this green corridor where nature thrives, the medallion waits where adventure arrives.
CLUE #2: In the land of gnomes, by shimmering pools, the medallion’s not hidden, defy all your rules.
The Medallion is hidden in the City Limits of Dawson on public property.
The medallion is hidden above the ground but could be under other things on the ground. Do not dig underground! Please be careful around shrubs, flowers, plants, etc so they do not get damaged.
The Medallion is not hidden higher than five (5) feet, so please do not climb on trees.
Please use the parking lots & spaces provided at each public property and do not drive further into the area.
If found, please call 320-361-0755.
First clue announced on KLQP Monday at 10am and on LqP SWCD’s Facebook and webpage Additional clues will be released throughout the week!
Prize: Local products from Dawson Businesses